Leading Education

Blue Recruitment is delighted to welcome the teaching team and client schools from teaching agency company Leading Education. Following a successful period of negotiaton and due diligence we are pleased to confirm the full buy out of the very successful Leading Education firm run by Chris and Keizah Cotton.
“Chris and Keizah ran a very tight ship which focused on the needs of schools and teachers. Their operating philosophy was in tune with our own and we are pleased to be able to maintain the high levels of service that their clients and teachers came to expect”
– Jarrod Gaines, Operations Director.
With the purhase of Leading Education we plan to extend our services further into North Yorkshire. Our teaching team now crosses 5 regions in Yorksire givig our teachers greater access to jobs whilst offering our client schools a greater pool of talent to draw from.
“We now have what is probably the most widely spread team of teachers operating in Yorkshire which will make us more likely to fill teaching vacancies than anyone else”
– Ian Kennedy, Senior Sales Manager.